PROJECT CINDERELLA is a program that allows every girl to have a nice dress,shoes,etc... for that special occasion regardless of there finacial situation.  Through dress donations we give young girls/ladies a dress at no charge , so they feel like they are CINDERELLA!!!! 

 If you yourself cant afford to buy a dress for that xmas dance,special formal,prom, senior ball .. contact Lisa Norris at 415-385-6527 ~ Savannah's Secrets Boutique located in the Niles district of Fremont ca.

37825 Niles Blvd. 94536  If you have donations please contact for appt. 


              Lets help

     every young girl make

    her special night one to

           remember ..... 

  lets give a little and recylcle

                   contact  Lisa Norris


Any questions or to make an appt.

Please email its founder Lisa Norris @ 

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